Rain. 関連ツイート
RT @rainbouz2: REQUEST # SixTONES @ MTV # FridayLivestream
@rainbouzsub 2020/10/21 08:16
✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽
\\We💖Imitation Rain/…
RT @healthy_corn: おはようございます🌽
@tchamihamivote1 2020/10/21 08:15
NEW ERAかっこいいと思いながら目覚めた🤣100万回の瞬間を見届けたい✨
合間にImitation Rain、NAVIGATOR、Jr. ch、CMたちを挟みつつ再生▶️
REQUEST #SixTONES @MTV #FridayLivestream
@MlsaVote 2020/10/21 08:15
I’d like a lot of people all over the world to know their amazing songs… https://t.co/DwXp2JnRQk
RT @batomato666666: NEW ERAのMV公開で更新されたImitation RainとNAVIGATORのサムネ格好いい♥シルエットで圧倒的存在感のSixTONES💎
@vote6st 2020/10/21 08:15
今朝もNEW ERAとAmazing!!!!!!とLife in colorとSo Add…
REQUEST #SixTONES @MTV #FridayLivestream
@tchamihamivote1 2020/10/21 08:16
Please play SixTONES music🎵 on MTV.📺️
I want people all over the world t… https://t.co/K6gMfki2fW