
TOP > The Ethics of Eating AnimalsUsually Bad, Sometimes Wrong, Often Permissible【電子書籍】[ Bob Fischer ]

The Ethics of Eating AnimalsUsually Bad, Sometimes Wrong, Often Permissible【電子書籍】[ Bob Fischer ]

<p>Intensive animal agriculture wrongs many, many animals. Philosophers have argued, on this basis, that most people in wealthy Western contexts are morally obligated to avoid animal products. This book explains why the author thinks that’s mistaken. He reaches this negative conclusion by contending that the major arguments for veganism fail: they don’t establish the right sort of connection between producing and eating animal-based foods. Moreover, if they didn’t have this problem, then they would have other ones: we wouldn’t be obliged to abstain from all animal products, but to eat strange things insteadーe.g., roadkill, insects, and things left in dumpsters. On his view, although we have a collective obligation not to farm animals, there is no specific diet that most individuals ought to have. Nevertheless, he does think that some people are obligated to be vegans, but that’s because they’ve joined a movement, or formed a practical identity, that requires that sacrifice. This book argues that there are good reasons to make such a move, albeit not ones strong enough to show that everyone must do likewise.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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